Our fees / Remuneration

We would like to make this subject as transparent as possible for our clients.

Many of our clients have never been to a lawyer before coming to us. Our aim is always to build up a long and trusting working relationship. In our opinion, this also includes the transparent presentation of potential costs/remuneration models.

We always try to find a fair and proportionate solution for both sides. In principle, our firm offers the following remuneration models (under certain circumstances, we can also deviate from these):

  1. Hourly Rate Agreement
  2. Flat Fee
  3. Billing according to the value of the matter at hand (economic interest) Lawyers’ Fees Act (Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz)

With the above-mentioned, partly also very flexible remuneration models, we try to accommodate our clients in the sometimes very emotional and financial, difficult as well as personally unpleasant situations. 

Hourly Rate Agreement

The usual hourly rate of Mr. Anthony Tur is between 315 – 350 € per hour plus VAT (if applicable). The lawyer’s billable work is billed in 6 minute increments. As a rule, billing is done on a monthly basis. Part of the billing is also an exact statement/list of the billed activities in the form of a table with the date, description of the activity and the processing time.

For this model, you enter into a remuneration agreement with the law firm on an hourly rate basis. This model is suitable for very complex cases, e.g. in the area of corporate law, banking & capital markets law, family law and cross-border litigation.

However, it should be noted that in the case of billing on an hourly rate basis, if you prevail in a case, the costs incurred will only be reimbursed up to the RVG amount. Anything in excess of this amount is not to be reimbursed by the losing side. However, this only applies to proceedings in the Federal Republic of Germany. If we represent you abroad, e.g. in England & Wales, our costs are usually to be reimbursed in full by the losing party.

Our usual hourly rate in the event that we represent you in England & Wales is usually significantly lower than the hourly rate of other colleagues in the UK who are significantly higher than our hourly rate. Therefore, even if we provide the same service, we can be cheaper than if you instruct a local law firm, e.g. in London, despite a longer journey. 

Flat Fee Agreement

This model is suitable for clients and cases where a cap/cap on costs is to be ensured. However, the agreement of a flat fee presupposes for the parties (law firm & client) that the work and the effort involved can be determined in advance. This may be the case for legal opinions, draft contracts, extrajudicial letters/activities. 

Settlement on the basis of the value of the matter at hand according to the German Lawyers' Fees Act (Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz)

This remuneration model is suitable for straightforward and simpler proceedings, e.g. smaller legal disputes without a foreign connection and with a lower “economic value” or for proceedings covered by legal expenses insurance, as these do not cover hourly rates in most cases. The following areas of law are mostly settled on the basis of a remuneration according to RVG:

  1. Travel law
  2. OWiG/Fines Proceedings
  3. Simple Copyright Proceedings
  4. Simple Competition InfrIngement Proceedings
  5. WEG and Tenancy Law Proceedings
  6. Labour Law Proceedings
  7. Compensation for pain and suffering proceedings, e.g. in traffic accidents, etc.

This list is not exclusive. Should you wish to be billed on the basis of RVG, please contact us. As already described at the beginning, we are very flexible and solution-oriented in this area. We also never lose sight of your economic point of view. For us, the result must always be acceptable and comprehensible for both sides.

Legal costs financing

For certain cases, it is possible to call in a legal cost financer if certain preconditions are met. In the event that your case is taken over by a legal costs financier, the financier would pay our costs, the court costs and, in the event of defeat, also the opposing party’s costs. In the event of a win, the legal costs financier will receive a share of the amount won.

Financing your legal dispute through a legal costs financier is usually only possible for amounts in dispute of € 200,000 or more and if there is a high chance of success.

If this is of interest to you, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will then propose your case to a legal costs financier.

Summary & Payment by Instalments

If you have any questions about any of the above payment models, please feel free to contact us. The above models are not rigid models, a mixed model or a permanent model can also be found with corresponding discounts when commissioning for a permanent consultancy of your project/company over a minimum period of 12 months.

Our firm also offers instalment payment models – with fair interest rates depending on the term. For instalment payment models over 12 months, interest of 2.00 %p.a. is charged. For instalment payment models of up to 12 months, no interest is charged.